Please join us for two FREE events in one!
(FREE to SBCAMFT Members)
November 13, 2021
Annual SBCAMFT Business Meeting
11:30 am-12:00 pm
(You will receive a separate Zoom link for this)
CAMFT's State of the Profession Report
(CEs: 1.5)
12:00 – 1:30 pm
(Please register for this to get your second Zoom link)
Register here
Join CAMFT Executive Director, Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE for an understanding about events, legislation, and internal association processes that are currently impacting CAMFT members.

Nabil Hassan El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE, is the Executive Director of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT). In this role he represents over 32,000 marriage and family therapists and trainees in the state of California.
Current SBCAMFT Members are invited to join the Board of Directors for our Annual Business meeting 11:30-12:00. Included:
- President's report
- Financial report
- Presentation of new board members and election news
Syllabus for CAMFT's State of the Profession
A. Title, Date & Time
CAMFT State of the Profession
November 13, 2021
Noon – 1:30 pm
B. Instructor
Dr. Nabil El-Ghoroury
(Bio and Resume link above)
C. General information/Description
Join CAMFT Executive Director, Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE for an understanding about events, legislation, and internal association processes that are currently impacting CAMFT members.
D. Educational Goals
Designed for Mental Health Professionals, this 90-min presentation will discuss general CAMFT issues and the importance of a Professional Will. There will also be updates from BBS, as well as California and Federal legislative updates. Finally, discussion on why it is important to avail yourself of the Legal Consultation service CAMFT provides. There will be ample time for Q&A.
E. Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Recall at least 3 recent/pending legislations and how marriage and family therapists may be impacted by the bills
Identify 1 resource for legal consultation for therapists
Identify important components of a Professional Will
F. Outline
CAMFT Updates (15 minutes – no CEUs given) CAMFT & COVID-19
Executive Director’s Background Live Education Events
On Demand Learning Library
CAMFT Leadership Conference
Ethics Revision 2019
Pre-licensee Information
Secrets to CAMFT’s Success Volunteer with CAMFT
Demographic Survey
Professional Will (5 min)
BBS Updates (15 min)
Topics of Interest-2020
Federal Level (10 min)
Veterans Affairs
State Level (15 min)
2019 California Advocacy
2020 California Advocacy
Health Care Plans
Legal Resources (10 min) Why call CAMFT for legal consultation
Questions? (5 min)