When: April 17, 2024 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Description: Although mandated child abuse reporting is one of the most common legal issues therapists encounter in practice, it can be one of the trickiest to navigate. This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the mandated reporting procedures outlined in California’s Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), including the different types of reportable child abuse, the types of California agencies that receive mandated child abuse reports, and how much time mandated reporters have to make these reports.
The workshop will also address some of the most complex reporting issues therapists face, including: distinguishing between lawful vs. unlawful corporal punishment, when / whether to report consensual sexual activity with and between minors, and how CANRA’s mandated reporting rules apply to sexting between minors.
Cost: $60 for SBCAMFT members, $65 for non-members
About the Presenter: As a CAMFT staff attorney, Bradley J. Muldrow, Esq. takes member phone calls regarding law and ethics issues and contributes articles on those subjects to CAMFT's publication, the Therapist. Prior to joining CAMFT’s legal team, Brad worked on litigation and regulatory matters as an attorney for San Diego Gas & Electric Company.
Since becoming an attorney, Brad has given law and ethics presentations to attorneys and judges as a member of the J. Clifford Wallace Inn of Court. He has also served as a board member for the Earl B. Gilliam Bar Foundation, a San Diego-based nonprofit.

Register here!
Additional Notes Pertaining To Our Policy As A CE Provider:
1) This course has been designed for a mental health professional that include LMFT's, LCSW's, LPCC's, and LEP's. Also, Pre-licensed and Associate members may earn hours of experience for attending the Santa Barbara Chapter of CAMFT workshops as approved by their supervisor.
2) Refund/Cancellation Policy: Attendees may cancel registration and request a refund one week from the time of the event.
3) To request accommodations for special needs, please email the Program Administrator at events@sbcamft.org.
4) To obtain the grievance policy or report a grievance please email events@sbcamft.org.
5) Course Completion Certificates will be awarded at the end of the course in exchange for a completed evaluation form.
6) Course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
7) SB CAMFT provider number (57942).
8) Santa Barbara Chapter CAMFT is Approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFT's, LCSW's, LPCC's, and LEP's. Santa Barbara Chapter of CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and content.
9) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA accommodates attendees with disabilities in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Event is ADA compliant.
Additional Information:
*This webinar will be available by Zoom. If you do not already have a free Zoom account, sign up for it today. The Zoom link will be emailed in advance of the webinar. The webinar will be a mixture of lecture and also Q&A.